Delivery time
Delivery time: till 5 days (from the day after the payment order by the customer; for other payments from the day after the contract)
Deutschland, Niederlande, Belgien, Schweiz, Dänemark, Italien, Tschechische Republik, Lichtenstein, Slowenien:
Delivery time: 1-5 days (from the day after the payment order by the customer; for other payments from the day after the contract)
Großbritannien, Irland:
Delivery time: 1-7 days (from the day after the payment order by the customer; for other payments from the day after the contract)
Portugal, Ungarn, Bulgarien, Estland, Lettland, Kroatien, Litauen, Malta, Norwegen, Island:
Delivery time: 1-10 days (from the day after the payment order by the customer; for other payments from the day after the contract)
USA, Canada:
Delivery time: 1-20 days (from the day after the payment order by the customer; for other payments from the day after the contract)